Scoot Smart, Scoot Safe!

Scooter accident kills 57 year old man.
A man was killed and his 4 1/2-year-old grandson was injured on Thursday when the grandfather lost control of the motor scooter the two were riding, Las Vegas police said.
"It was a poor choice of driving," said Detective Dennis Magill of the Las Vegas police's fatal traffic detail.
Neither the driver nor his grandson was wearing a helmet.
Magill said the accident occurred about 2:30 p.m., when the grandfather was driving the 150cc motor scooter eastbound on Maule Avenue with his grandson sitting in front of him.
The man made a u-turn in the middle of the street, lost control, and both he and his grandson were thrown from the scooter. The grandfather slammed headfirst into a fire hydrant on the sidewalk and sustained fatal injuries, Magill said.
"There's a good chance a helmet would have saved his life," he said.
Click here for the full story.
Like anything in life, scootering and motorcycling involves risks. As they teach you in the MSF Rider Courses, responsible riders must minimize these risks. Wear a helmet, wear gloves, wear an armoured jacket and pants, follow the rules of the road, take the MSF course.
Scoot smart, scoot safe, always wear a helmet.
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