Plastico Fantastico!

Come join the Royal Bastards Scooter Club for the first Plastic Happy Rally in Philly!
The Royal Bastards Scooter Club Philadelphia Chapter invite you to PLASTICO FANTASTICO, Philadelphia's first plastic happy rally.
***NEW DATE: NOVEMBER 3rd, 2007***
Time: Meet begins at 11:00AM
Meet up at Philadelphia Scooters (1737 E. Passyunk) for scooter judging and special offers to Plastico Fantastico Ride Participants. Ride leaves at 12:00!
Ride with the RBSC through the scenic points in and out of the city as a celebration of every one's favorite petroleum by-product! Come on and bring those 50cc plastics out for the day! All scooters welcome. After the ride stop on down at the Cantina (1651 E Passyunk) for some margarita's and food.
Scooter Show Awards include:
* Best Genuine
* Best Kymco
* Best Vespa / Lambretta
* Best Other
Awards Sponsored by Philadelphia Scooters!
There will be a magnet test to make sure your bike qualifies! If there's a place on your bike where a magnet won't stick, you qualify so bring on those Vintage plastics too.
Come on by for the ride, and pick up the limited edition patch for $5.00 before the Luchadores of Los Bastardos Reales Scooter Club come lookin' for you to rumble! Break out your Mexican Wrestling Masks and come party!
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